Locksmith Kitchener Opening Vehicles
Locksmith Kitchener Opening Vehicles services are here for you 24/7 to open the car for you if you are locked out anywhere in the area. If you are locked out, there are a few ways our Locksmith Kitchener Opening Vehicles locksmiths are able to get you back into your car. Once our Locksmith Kitchener Opening Vehicles locksmith arrives, he’ll be able to visually inspect the situation and give you an estimate before he starts working.
All cars might look the same to some, but the locking system is different between each make and model. On the same car, our automotive locksmith might use a different method to open the car, depending on the situation. This might include lock system, button & handle condition, if the car is running or not, if the keys are visible and easy to reach or not.
Old vehicles without too much electronics inside the door, have a metal rod between the door handle and the actual door lock, and with a Slim Jim we can “jimmy” it, by pulling that metal rod and unlock the vehicle. We don’t really like using this method because if the rod is rusty, or the plastic connector caps are dry, it might break.
An easier method we use to unlock cars is by using an air pillow, similar to a blood pressure pillow used to wrap around the arm and inflate with air using a hand pump. It’s called an Air-Wedge, when deflated it’s really thin and what we do is insert it into the seam between the car frame and the car door. Once it’s deep in, we inflate it with air, creating a gap of about a finger width, which is just enough room to maneuver a Big-EZ locksmith rod, which has either an angled end or a hook end, that allows us to unlock the vehicle from the inside by pushing the unlock button, pulling the handle from the inside, or fishing out the keys. A few more creative ways to unlock a car is by lowering the windows either using the power window button or manual roll down. Same way is used to unlock trunks, with the trunk release button or trunk release lever.
Locksmith Kitchener has mobile teams all over the city, ready 24/7 to help you – call us now!
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